Zijn er geen vacatures voor zelfstandige uitbaters in uw regio?
Solliciteer dan spontaan en u bent bij de eerste die we contacteren op het moment dat er een station vrij komt in uw buurt.
Wij nemen dan contact met u op bij de start van een nieuwe selectie in uw regio.
Momenteel zijn we op zoek naar een zelfstandige uitbater voor de regio van Brugge - Kust
Stel u kandidaat door hier online te solliciteren.
Momenteel zijn we op zoek naar een zelfstandige uitbater voor een station regio Antwerpen
Stel u kandidaat door hier online te solliciteren.
Momenteel zijn we op zoek naar zelfstandige uitbaters voor de regio Limburg
Stel u kandidaat door hier online te solliciteren.
Momenteel zijn we op zoek naar een zelfstandige uitbater voor het station van Diest
Stel u kandidaat door hier online te solliciteren.
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 265408 [internalName] => Solliciteer spontaan voor de uitbating van een tankstation van Lukoil [name] => Array ( [lang] => nl-BE [#text] => Spontane Sollicitatie België Lukoil ) [description] => Array ( [lang] => nl-BE [#text] => <p>Zijn er geen vacatures voor zelfstandige uitbaters in uw regio?</p><p>Solliciteer dan spontaan en u bent bij de eerste die we contacteren op het moment dat er een station vrij komt in uw buurt.</p><p>Wij nemen dan contact met u op bij de start van een nieuwe selectie in uw regio.</p> ) [owner] => Array ( [company] => Array ( [id] => 10017 [internalName] => Lukoil Stations Uitbater [name] => Array ( [#text] => Lukoil Stations Uitbater ) ) ) [creationDate] => Array ( [#text] => 2023-03-22 13:09:08 ) [publicationDate] => Array ( [#text] => 2024-04-05 00:00:00 ) [expirationDate] => Array ( [#text] => 2025-04-05 00:00:00 ) [availableTranslations] => Array ( [language] => Array ( [id] => 55 [code] => fr-FR [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => French ) ) ) [sectors] => Array ( [sector] => Array ( [id] => 58 [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Petrochemicals ) ) ) [categories] => Array ( [category] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Other ) ) ) [place] => Array ( [country] => Array ( [id] => 22 [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Belgium ) ) [regions] => Array ( [region] => Array ( [id] => 48 [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Flemish Brabant ) ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [attribute] => Array ( [id] => 15214 [internalName] => JobsiteConfigurationSections [name] => Array ( [lang] => nl-NL [#text] => Jobsite configuration sections ) [values] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [internalName] => 1eed6c2b-f0fc-d8c2-0568-4b73673315d1 [#text] => België ) ) ) ) [options] => Array ( [spontaneousApp] => Array ( ) ) [urls] => Array ( [descriptionUrl] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/Job/265408?channel=own_website&lang=nl-BE ) [applicationUrl] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/Apply/265408?channel=own_website&lang=nl-BE ) [applicationUrlBranded] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/ApplicationForm.aspx?jobid=265408&company=Lukoil&segment=Stations&channel=own_website&lang=nl-BE ) [cleanDescriptionUrl] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/Job/265408?t=fo&channel=own_website ) [cleanApplicationUrl] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/Apply/265408?t=fo&channel=own_website ) [cleanApplicationUrlBranded] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/ApplicationForm.aspx?jobid=265408&company=Lukoil ) ) [channel] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Array ( [#text] => Own website ) [channelCode] => Array ( [#text] => own_website ) [onePixelImage] => Array ( [#text] => <img alt="" src="https://api.cvwarehouse.com/Job/own_website/265408/"> ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 284039 [internalName] => Uitbater station voor stations regio Brugge - Kust [name] => Array ( [lang] => nl-BE [#text] => Zelfstandige uitbater regio Brugge - Kust ) [description] => Array ( [lang] => nl-BE [#text] => <p>Momenteel zijn we op zoek naar een zelfstandige uitbater voor de regio van Brugge - Kust</p><p>Profiel:</p><ul><li>U hecht veel belang aan kwaliteit en service.</li><li>U bent communicatief en sociaal ingesteld, u houdt van klantencontact.</li><li>Commerciële en administratieve verantwoordelijkheden schrikken u niet af.</li><li>U bent bereid te investeren in de shopgoederen.</li><li>U bent zelfstandige of bereid om het te worden.</li></ul><h4>LUKOIL biedt u:</h4><ul><li>Een perfect uitgerust LUKOIL station met shop.</li><li>Een grondige opleiding en voortdurende ondersteuning van professionals.</li><li>Een commissie die berekend is op de verkoop van brandstoffen en de shop die u zelf beheert volgens het bestaand concept.</li><li>De steun en know-how van een sterke internationale groep.</li></ul><p> </p><h4>Interesse?</h4><p>Stel u kandidaat door hier online te solliciteren.</p><p> </p> ) [owner] => Array ( [company] => Array ( [id] => 10017 [internalName] => Lukoil Stations Uitbater [name] => Array ( [#text] => Lukoil Stations Uitbater ) ) ) [creationDate] => Array ( [#text] => 2023-10-30 16:23:38 ) [publicationDate] => Array ( [#text] => 2024-06-10 00:00:00 ) [expirationDate] => Array ( [#text] => 2025-06-10 00:00:00 ) [availableTranslations] => Array ( [language] => Array ( [id] => 46 [code] => nl-BE [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Dutch (Belgium) ) ) ) [sectors] => Array ( [sector] => Array ( [id] => 58 [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Petrochemicals ) ) ) [categories] => Array ( [category] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Other ) ) ) [place] => Array ( [country] => Array ( [id] => 22 [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Belgium ) ) [regions] => Array ( [region] => Array ( [id] => 50 [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => West Flanders ) ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [attribute] => Array ( [id] => 8522 [internalName] => province [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Province ) [values] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [internalName] => 1_west-vlaanderen [#text] => West Flanders ) ) ) ) [options] => Array ( ) [urls] => Array ( [descriptionUrl] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/Job/284039?channel=own_website&lang=nl-BE ) [applicationUrl] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/Apply/284039?channel=own_website&lang=nl-BE ) [applicationUrlBranded] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/ApplicationForm.aspx?jobid=284039&company=Lukoil&segment=Stations&channel=own_website&lang=nl-BE ) [cleanDescriptionUrl] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/Job/284039?t=fo&channel=own_website ) [cleanApplicationUrl] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/Apply/284039?t=fo&channel=own_website ) [cleanApplicationUrlBranded] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/ApplicationForm.aspx?jobid=284039&company=Lukoil ) ) [channel] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Array ( [#text] => Own website ) [channelCode] => Array ( [#text] => own_website ) [onePixelImage] => Array ( [#text] => <img alt="" src="https://api.cvwarehouse.com/Job/own_website/284039/"> ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 329679 [internalName] => Uitbater voor een tankstation in de regio Antwerpen [name] => Array ( [lang] => nl-BE [#text] => Zelfstandige uitbater voor een station regio Antwerpen ) [description] => Array ( [lang] => nl-BE [#text] => <p>Momenteel zijn we op zoek naar een zelfstandige uitbater voor een station regio Antwerpen</p><p>Profiel:</p><ul><li>U hecht veel belang aan kwaliteit en service.</li><li>U bent communicatief en sociaal ingesteld, u houdt van klantencontact.</li><li>Commerciële en administratieve verantwoordelijkheden schrikken u niet af.</li><li>U bent bereid te investeren in de shopgoederen.</li><li>U bent zelfstandige of bereid om het te worden.</li></ul><h4>LUKOIL biedt u:</h4><ul><li>Een perfect uitgerust LUKOIL station met shop.</li><li>Een grondige opleiding en voortdurende ondersteuning van professionals.</li><li>Een commissie die berekend is op de verkoop van brandstoffen en de shop die u zelf beheert volgens het bestaand concept.</li><li>De steun en know-how van een sterke internationale groep.</li></ul><p> </p><h4>Interesse?</h4><p>Stel u kandidaat door hier online te solliciteren.</p><p> </p> ) [owner] => Array ( [company] => Array ( [id] => 10017 [internalName] => Lukoil Stations Uitbater [name] => Array ( [#text] => Lukoil Stations Uitbater ) ) ) [creationDate] => Array ( [#text] => 2024-09-28 12:09:42 ) [publicationDate] => Array ( [#text] => 2024-09-28 00:00:00 ) [expirationDate] => Array ( [#text] => 2025-09-28 00:00:00 ) [availableTranslations] => Array ( [language] => Array ( [id] => 46 [code] => nl-BE [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Dutch (Belgium) ) ) ) [sectors] => Array ( [sector] => Array ( [id] => 58 [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Petrochemicals ) ) ) [categories] => Array ( [category] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Other ) ) ) [place] => Array ( [country] => Array ( [id] => 22 [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Belgium ) ) [regions] => Array ( [region] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Antwerp ) ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [attribute] => Array ( [id] => 8522 [internalName] => province [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Province ) [values] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [internalName] => 1_antwerpen [#text] => Antwerp ) ) ) ) [options] => Array ( ) [urls] => Array ( [descriptionUrl] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/Job/329679?channel=own_website&lang=nl-BE ) [applicationUrl] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/Apply/329679?channel=own_website&lang=nl-BE ) [applicationUrlBranded] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/ApplicationForm.aspx?jobid=329679&company=Lukoil&segment=Stations&channel=own_website&lang=nl-BE ) [cleanDescriptionUrl] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/Job/329679?t=fo&channel=own_website ) [cleanApplicationUrl] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/Apply/329679?t=fo&channel=own_website ) [cleanApplicationUrlBranded] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/ApplicationForm.aspx?jobid=329679&company=Lukoil ) ) [channel] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Array ( [#text] => Own website ) [channelCode] => Array ( [#text] => own_website ) [onePixelImage] => Array ( [#text] => <img alt="" src="https://api.cvwarehouse.com/Job/own_website/329679/"> ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 334345 [internalName] => Uitbater voor het tankstation in de provincie Limburg [name] => Array ( [lang] => nl-BE [#text] => Zelfstandige uitbater voor een station in de regio Limburg ) [description] => Array ( [lang] => nl-BE [#text] => <p>Momenteel zijn we op zoek naar zelfstandige uitbaters voor de regio Limburg</p><p>Profiel:</p><ul><li>U hecht veel belang aan kwaliteit en service.</li><li>U bent communicatief en sociaal ingesteld, u houdt van klantencontact.</li><li>Commerciële en administratieve verantwoordelijkheden schrikken u niet af.</li><li>U bent bereid te investeren in de shopgoederen.</li><li>U bent zelfstandige of bereid om het te worden.</li></ul><h4>LUKOIL biedt u:</h4><ul><li>Een perfect uitgerust LUKOIL station met shop.</li><li>Een grondige opleiding en voortdurende ondersteuning van professionals.</li><li>Een commissie die berekend is op de verkoop van brandstoffen en de shop die u zelf beheert volgens het bestaand concept.</li><li>De steun en know-how van een sterke internationale groep.</li></ul><p> </p><h4>Interesse?</h4><p>Stel u kandidaat door hier online te solliciteren.</p><p> </p> ) [owner] => Array ( [company] => Array ( [id] => 10017 [internalName] => Lukoil Stations Uitbater [name] => Array ( [#text] => Lukoil Stations Uitbater ) ) ) [creationDate] => Array ( [#text] => 2024-12-02 11:17:10 ) [publicationDate] => Array ( [#text] => 2024-12-02 00:00:00 ) [expirationDate] => Array ( [#text] => 2025-12-02 00:00:00 ) [availableTranslations] => Array ( [language] => Array ( [id] => 46 [code] => nl-BE [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Dutch (Belgium) ) ) ) [sectors] => Array ( [sector] => Array ( [id] => 58 [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Petrochemicals ) ) ) [categories] => Array ( [category] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Other ) ) ) [place] => Array ( [country] => Array ( [id] => 22 [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Belgium ) ) [regions] => Array ( [region] => Array ( [id] => 43 [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Limburg ) ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [attribute] => Array ( [id] => 8522 [internalName] => province [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Province ) [values] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [internalName] => 1_limburg [#text] => Limburg ) ) ) ) [options] => Array ( ) [urls] => Array ( [descriptionUrl] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/Job/334345?channel=own_website&lang=nl-BE ) [applicationUrl] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/Apply/334345?channel=own_website&lang=nl-BE ) [applicationUrlBranded] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/ApplicationForm.aspx?jobid=334345&company=Lukoil&segment=Stations&channel=own_website&lang=nl-BE ) [cleanDescriptionUrl] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/Job/334345?t=fo&channel=own_website ) [cleanApplicationUrl] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/Apply/334345?t=fo&channel=own_website ) [cleanApplicationUrlBranded] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/ApplicationForm.aspx?jobid=334345&company=Lukoil ) ) [channel] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Array ( [#text] => Own website ) [channelCode] => Array ( [#text] => own_website ) [onePixelImage] => Array ( [#text] => <img alt="" src="https://api.cvwarehouse.com/Job/own_website/334345/"> ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 337913 [internalName] => Uitbater voor het tankstation van Diest [name] => Array ( [lang] => nl-BE [#text] => Zelfstandige uitbater voor een station in Diest ) [description] => Array ( [lang] => nl-BE [#text] => <p>Momenteel zijn we op zoek naar een zelfstandige uitbater voor het station van Diest</p><p>Profiel:</p><ul><li>U hecht veel belang aan kwaliteit en service.</li><li>U bent communicatief en sociaal ingesteld, u houdt van klantencontact.</li><li>Commerciële en administratieve verantwoordelijkheden schrikken u niet af.</li><li>U bent bereid te investeren in de shopgoederen.</li><li>U bent zelfstandige of bereid om het te worden.</li></ul><h4>LUKOIL biedt u:</h4><ul><li>Een perfect uitgerust LUKOIL station met shop.</li><li>Een grondige opleiding en voortdurende ondersteuning van professionals.</li><li>Een commissie die berekend is op de verkoop van brandstoffen en de shop die u zelf beheert volgens het bestaand concept.</li><li>De steun en know-how van een sterke internationale groep.</li></ul><p> </p><h4>Interesse?</h4><p>Stel u kandidaat door hier online te solliciteren.</p><p> </p> ) [owner] => Array ( [company] => Array ( [id] => 10017 [internalName] => Lukoil Stations Uitbater [name] => Array ( [#text] => Lukoil Stations Uitbater ) ) ) [creationDate] => Array ( [#text] => 2025-01-22 12:46:08 ) [publicationDate] => Array ( [#text] => 2025-01-22 00:00:00 ) [expirationDate] => Array ( [#text] => 2026-01-22 00:00:00 ) [availableTranslations] => Array ( [language] => Array ( [id] => 46 [code] => nl-BE [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Dutch (Belgium) ) ) ) [sectors] => Array ( [sector] => Array ( [id] => 58 [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Petrochemicals ) ) ) [categories] => Array ( [category] => Array ( [id] => 27 [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Other ) ) ) [place] => Array ( [country] => Array ( [id] => 22 [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Belgium ) ) [regions] => Array ( [region] => Array ( [id] => 48 [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Flemish Brabant ) ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [attribute] => Array ( [id] => 8522 [internalName] => province [name] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [#text] => Province ) [values] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [lang] => en-US [internalName] => 1_vlaams-brabant [#text] => Flemish Brabant ) ) ) ) [options] => Array ( ) [urls] => Array ( [descriptionUrl] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/Job/337913?channel=own_website&lang=nl-BE ) [applicationUrl] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/Apply/337913?channel=own_website&lang=nl-BE ) [applicationUrlBranded] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/ApplicationForm.aspx?jobid=337913&company=Lukoil&segment=Stations&channel=own_website&lang=nl-BE ) [cleanDescriptionUrl] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/Job/337913?t=fo&channel=own_website ) [cleanApplicationUrl] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/Apply/337913?t=fo&channel=own_website ) [cleanApplicationUrlBranded] => Array ( [#text] => https://candidate.cvwarehouse.com/ApplicationForm.aspx?jobid=337913&company=Lukoil ) ) [channel] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Array ( [#text] => Own website ) [channelCode] => Array ( [#text] => own_website ) [onePixelImage] => Array ( [#text] => <img alt="" src="https://api.cvwarehouse.com/Job/own_website/337913/"> ) ) ) )